D4D Curriculum

Discipleship in
4 dimensions
This ministry teaches the New Testament training and practices of Discipleship in 4 Dimensions.
The First Dimension: The Need Known
- The Deficit of Discipleship teaching and training.
The Second Dimension: The Seed Sown
- Examines First Century Discipleship.
- The staff of 5 professionals
- 5 areas of provision to accomplish God’s purpose and plans.
- 4 Ships to help you successfully reach Soul’s Harbor.
- An X-Ray of your spiritual health will be made available.
The Third Dimension: The Ministry Grown
- The maturing process of a disciple.
- From the new birth to a spiritual, maturing, adult and leader.
- An example to others in the Body of Christ and the world who want to see Jesus.
- Recognizing and overcoming wrecking the tools of your enemies.
- How to find your next disciple.
.The Fourth Dimension: The Harvest Shown
- Understanding the Great Come-mission,.
- The BFM factor.
- How to hear and obey the voice of the Holy Spirit.
- Jesus commanded all believers to go make disciples NOW!
- The cost of discipleship and the results of failing to engage.
Over the course of eighteen years, as my Pastor, I have witnessed Dr. Kelso inspiring not only myself but countless other people, through example, to make decisions and walk through doors as God beckoned them to the next chapter in their lives. The impact He has had on people’s lives did not just happeninside the four walls of a building but where ever his path might cross theirs.
This book “Doors and Decisions, Your Personal Journey of Discovery” is a testimony to what can happen in an individual’s life when they are willing to be obedient to the call and make the decision to walk through “The Door.” Let the events discussed in this book inspire you to be that Individual!