D4D Introduction

Mobile Discipleship Training systems
We travel full time to various locations as we are called by pastors or church leaders to teach and train groups and even individuals discipleship and the bible principles practices in becoming disciple makers as commanded in Scripture.
The Discipleship Deficit.
After 55 years of ministry, pastoring 44 years, 4 years traveling thousands of miles as an evangelist, we discovered there is a deficit in training of discipleship, disciples and disciple makers in the local fellowships.
In 2017, the Lord led us to travel again full time. The commission was D4D, the ministry of discipleship. Training leaders and layman alike as requested by local leadership. We go where God calls us and to do so at our expense. Donations are appreciated but never requested for our D4D ministry.
Our goal is to stay where we are called to train folks to understand the command and need for discipleship. Teaching them the ministry, of sowing seeds in discipleship. Making and maturing disciples, who are equipped to follow, what Jesus commanded believers to do.
Go Make Disciples.
The Discipleship Demand.
Questions we must address to train disciples to become disciple makers.
When did Jesus search for His disciples? Where did Jesus meet His Disciples?
How did Jesus approach His disciples? Why did Jesus qualify His disciples?
What did Jesus teach His disciples? What was the last words to His disciples?
What am I doing to obey Jesus’ last command and commission to His church?
What will I do to finish the work Jesus started and we are called to finish?
When will I go and make disciples?
The Disciples Developed.
Matthew 4:19
19 And he saith unto them, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.
What is followship? We must see what God sees.
What does God see in you? What do you see in you?
What is appleology? What is Lionology?
The Disciple Maker Deployed
What it means to work with God versus work for God.
What is the BFM factor? Disciple makers versus disciple fakers.
What are the regrets and rewards of discipleship?
The great cost of discipleship.
The cost of failure to engage in the command to Go Make Disciples.
What are you doing as a leader, an ambassador of the kingdom of God?
What are those who know you and follow your example doing or going to do about the command to be a disciple maker?
Now is the time to make discipleship a priority for the fellowship to grow spiritually and produce fruit in the first century scriptural example and commands of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Come and see. Go and tell today, don’t delay!
All donations please contact us at [email protected]
As a Pastor, Evangelist, Church Planter, Teacher, Soul Winner, and Author, Dave is a vivid example of the amazing things God can accomplish through one person who comes to Christ and chooses to commit his life and will to His control, by courageously entering doors of creative productivity as a servant of Jesus Christ. That’s the Dave Kelso that I know, I expect God to use this book to change lives and exalt His Son, Jesus Christ.